Sunday, May 6, 2007

cinco de mayo and baby teeth

Well, I learned something new this week. Apparently when babies start to teethe, they get congested. So Jack doesn't really have a cold after all... because his first tooth is starting to come in!! Tonight, Tim said he could see Jack's bottom front teeth through his gums, and he put his finger in there to point to where he could see them and all of a sudden the poor kid's gum started bleeding. Which is exciting because a) his first tooth is coming in! and b)we now know why he has been extra fussy and congested - but at the same time is no fun because he is extra fussy. But it's all good - I know this whole teething thing comes with the territory, so we can take it. Some other milestones we hit this weekend are: he rolled over on his own for the first time (and only time... he hasn't done it again since, but we're working on it)!; and he started eating cereal from a spoon without crying or spitting all of it out! He is growing so fast :)

In other news, Tim and I had our own little Cinco de Mayo celebration on Saturday night, and it turned out to be quite the experience. We decided to head over to Fiesta Ranchera (a Mexican restaurant that I really like, but Tim doesn't really... but he is nice enough to go with me anyways), and as soon as we walked in the door we were blasted with mariachi music set to the beat of a cranked-up bass line. We were seated in the very back of the restaurant, in the section next to the private party/bar room... along with a table of about twenty drunk, 40something women, one who was wearing an obscene "crown" - clearly a bachelorette party. We were just there for a nice Mexican dinner. We didn't sign up for what came next. Apparently a group of college kids had rented out the back bar area, and had gotten bored of staying in their designated room. About six clearly inebriated college-aged guys came stumbling out, into our section of the restaurant, which also was where the sound system was set up and blasting music, and the drunk middle-aged women thought it would be cute to stand up, scream "WOO HOOOO!" at the top of their lungs and... uh... I guess the word would be "dance" with these young guys... but they definitely weren't doing the waltz, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure I was blushing just watching. We ate as fast as we could and got the heck out of there.... especially when we realized that these guys were probably the same age as most of these ladies' kids. Sick. The worst part was that there were families with children in there. There was a dad sitting in the booth behind us with a little girl about 7 or 8 years old. He had to keep telling her not to be scared, that the music was just playing loud, and that the people dancing just wanted to have fun. We left no tip. Not just because of the nasty display of drunken dancing (Tim said in the middle of it all, "I feel like after all this, the restaurant owes me something." I couldn't have said it better myself.), but mostly because our waiter was too busy pouring the drunk people more drinks to even stop by and refill our water glasses. After that, we bought margarita mix, rented Night At The Museum, and headed home for some good, clean Cinco de Mayo fun. The moral of the story is - do NOT go to Fiesta Ranchera on Cinco de Mayo. Or if you do, refuse to sit in the back of the restaurant. But really, just don't go there.

Also - today I walked at graduation! It was a little awkward because I basically haven't talked to anyone from IWU since Jack was born, and it was also kind of a long, hot ceremony. But I'm still glad I did it. It was a nice way to say farewell for good.

Well I'm tuckered out from trying to comfort a teething baby and walking around for 4 hours in killer high heels that kept getting stuck in the muddy grass (graduation was outdoors), so it's bedtime for bonzo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you performed home surgery and lanced his gums after all?

:)Jack's Jill