Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Holidays are the best

And here I am again - two months have gone by without a post...


Anyways, nothing super exciting happened to us between the last post and this one - just working, living, and growing.

But lately things have started to get very exciting because if the upcoming holidays. Last year the holidays were sort of clouded over with the pending arrival of our little bundle of joy, so this year we really get to focus on the reason for the season and just be thankful and joyful that we are where we are and that we have a very happy little family.

Now for each of our updates:

Jack: He can walk! Now - I say he can walk because he can - we have him on video taking a few wobbly steps across the room. But most of the time he just chooses not to. Crawling, afterall, is simply easier. I haven't gotten him to take any steps for a couple of days now, but we're going to keep trying. He's also doing this very funny thing of trying to imitate words that we say. So far he can "say" "Poopy" ("peeeee"), "It's hot" ("ssss haaaa"), "Book" ("boo") and "Laura" ("lelelelaaaah"). The big news, though, is that we're preparing for his first birthday party in about 2.5 weeks! I can't believe that he'll be 1. Crazy how fast time goes.

Lisa: No real big news for me. I've been sick for the past week, and am actually looking forward to going to work this afternoon. Tomorrow we get to take dinner over to a friends' house that had a baby last week. I am SO excited to meet this little guy! Sometimes I think that I missed my calling to be a OB nurse - the whole pregnancy/birth process absolutely astounds and fascinates me and I always get so excited when another friend is expecting (there's going to be another small group baby in April!!) Besides being sick and loving babies, my main focus at the moment is getting all of our holiday plans made and Christmas shopping done. I am super excited about Christmas this year - Jack's first Christmas that he'll be big enough to open his presents. Can't wait :)

Tim: No real big news for Tim, either. We've been really thinking and praying hard about his going to seminary in January, and I think that it's going to work out. It will be very good for him I think because he's been kind of "stuck" in the doldrums that is State Farm for awhile now and could really use a good refresher on the bigger issues of life and faith. I'm very excited for him. But we could definitely use your prayers as he struggles to find satisfaction in his current job.

Well that's about it for us - like I said, just working, living, and growing. But loving every minute of this life together.

Til next time -
P.S. - The picture is of our little JACK -o-Lantern on Halloween. We had a great time!