Monday, July 30, 2007


Sorry, it's been a while since the last blog (assuming anyone is reading this), but here goes.

Lisa mentioned last time that we had a 90% chance of moving. Well, make it 100% because we are moving into a townhouse in TWO DAYS! I am so stoked to be moving into our own place, and we are so grateful to Lisa's parents for letting us live with them for 7 months to pay off a lot of debt. We're in a much better position financially than we were this time last year.

Other than that, not much has changed. Jack is continuing to grow and we are very proud of him. I'm still at State Farm and I'm planning (keep your fingers crossed) on taking a seminary class in the fall. Lisa is still at Eastview helping the church and bringing in extra income for our family.

I finally feel like we are just starting to get our feet on the ground after a long time of being up in the air.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Well... July has begun, so I feel like I should put up an update with what is going on in the Stanek family.

I am finally starting to really get the hang of my job. Today I had someone ask me if I would "volunteer" to help do something for someone else, because they knew that if I was doing it, it would be done right. That felt good. Feeling confident at my job is helping me feel confident in other situations, too. I think that while I was staying home with Jack, for whatever reason, my confidence level was slowly on the decline. Confidence in what, you ask? Mostly just in everyday social situations where I have to interact with others that I may not know very well, or in things that I need to do that I haven't done before, etc. I didn't really have a problem with that until after I had been at home with Jack for about 3 months. I noticed that I was significantly more withdrawn than I used to be - probably getting a little too used to not having much daily interaction with people.

But regardless, working is good for me. Working part time is good for my family too, because we rarely have to find a babysitter for him, and we aren't losing the majority of my paycheck to child care costs. So all in all, I am very happy with my job.

Let's see... what else is new....

Jack just got his first tooth on June 30th! I thought the teething process would be a lot more "painful" (for me) than it was. Jack wasn't extra crabby or anything - the only thing I noticed was that he slept a bit more than usual, and even that could be attributed to his growth spurt. So it was quite a surprise when I put my finger in his mouth and felt a tiny sharp thing poking out of his gums!

He's also rolling around the floor from front to back and back to front, until all of a sudden he's all the way on the other side of the room! I think he will be crawling any day now.... That will be interesting - and very exciting, Jack is so ready to be able to get around!

In other news, there is a 90% chance that we will be moving into a townhouse in the beginning of August! We are super excited about that, but there's no lease or anything yet, so I'll give more details later on...

Happy 4th of July!