Friday, August 29, 2008

Mini-Van Momma

Yes, friends, it is true. We traded in Tim's Mitsubishi Galant for a mini-van - a Chevy Venture to be specific. It has no bells and whistles, I have to actually open all the doors myself and the seats do not fold into the floor. But it is a mini-van with plenty of space.

It was actually Tim's idea, too! He even drove it to work this morning (which, I must say, I was looking forward to driving it today, so I am rather jealous.)

After talking with the folks at the shop, we found ourselves in a place where neither of our cars were highway safe. And since I will be driving to Lincoln many many times in the next few years, we needed something that I would be safe driving down there. So now, we still only have one car payment that is less than $100 more than we were paying on the Galant, we are paying less in insurance, AND we have a highway-safe vehicle. Good deal all around.

My only complaint is that none of the seats in the van have arm rests!! What is up with that ??!!