Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A first for me

So this is the first blog/comment/whatever you want to call it that I've ever posted about politics. Normally I really don't care about government officials or even (cringe) who is running for the President of the United States (don't hurt me). I guess through my different stages of life, I've either been too caught up in my own little world to pay any attention to what's going on, or just too immature to think about the world and this country in the "big picture" perspective. Who knows?

But the burning question on my mind tonight is this - how can anyone who calls themself a Christ follower support presidential candidates who are pro-abortion/pro-choice? I've recently had a handful of close Christian friends who have expressed their support for one specific candidate who I know for a fact is all for abortion, and that completely baffles me! Killing another human being is one of the most obvious sins, in my opinion, so anyone who supports someone who wants to allow it is completely crazy!

I realize I'm on the slow train on this one - it's probably a debate that's been going on for years now. And I also know that there are hundreds of factors that are considered in who to support for President. But I feel like this is such an obvious choice for us as Christians - support the candidate who is pro-life!!

Anyway, that's what's on my mind tonight. Take it or leave it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This drives me crazy, too. What are Christians thinking who support a pro-abort candidate?

There's a great line in Isaiah 1:5, "Your whole head is infected." A politicians who is pro-abortion's whole head is infected. I don't know a Christian could trust his/her judgment for starters, never mind this person will promote the culture of death in office.
